
The Immortality Institute (ImmInst) sponsors a variety of meetings every week for members who would like to work together on specific projects. We currently make use of Ustream for text chatting and broadcasting voice telecons held using Skype. To get involved, please join ImmInst and attend the meetings you are most interested in. Advocacy, research, and support for radical life extension begin with you!

We encourage you to keep the meeting chat room open whenever you are online so you can pop in and out as conversation develops. Our chat room is an important central location for discussing life extension ideas, brainstorming, and working on projects with other members at any time of the day. There are more weekly meetings planned. Progress can be just as fast as our ability to chat, so please join us!

Ustream Channel:

The MEETING ROOM is the chat box that can be found at the bottom of this page.

(Greenwich U.K. is gmt)






Board of Directors Meeting

We also hold open board meetings to be announced in the board meetings forum.